Statement of District Attorney Rachael Rollins on Reducing Collateral Consequences

BOSTON, January 26, 2020 — Osman Bilal’s case exposes one of the biggest problems with our criminal justice system: it chooses finality over justice. I ran for office and was elected to change that.  And I have.  Since taking the oath as District Attorney, I have required that my staff investigate, review and resolve each case with justice in mind. I also asked that they remedy outcomes that are inconsistent with this mission, that they take positions that are not those of “least resistance” and do so with equity as their guidepost.

If someone has truly paid their debt to society, how can we keep requiring them to eternally suffer all of the debilitating collateral consequences that come from a conviction?

Since taking responsibility for his actions and serving his debt to society, Mr. Bilal has worked with More Than Words. He has been employed and is now a sous chef. He pays taxes. I stand firmly behind my decision to help support Mr. Bilal in the interest of justice and with equity as my guidepost.

As it stands, Mr. Bilal’s 2011 misdemeanor conviction will result in him being deported to Somalia - a country where Mr. Bilal spent the first two (2) days of his life, more than 27 years ago, before eventually immigrating to the United States, legally. This is the unfortunate state of our federal immigration law. Mr. Bilal’s current situation is the very definition of extreme and unjust collateral consequences. We are better than this.  I know it.

Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins’ office serves the communities of Boston, Chelsea, Revere, and Winthrop, Mass. The office handles over 25,000 cases a year. More than 160 attorneys in the office practice in nine district and municipal courts, Suffolk Superior Court, the Massachusetts Appeals Court, the Supreme Judicial Court, and the Boston Juvenile Courts. The office employs some 300 people and offers a wide range of services and programs to serve anyone who comes in contact with the criminal justice system. This office is committed to educating the public about the services we provide, our commitment to crime prevention, and our dedication to keeping the residents of Suffolk County safe.