Statement of District Attorney Kevin Hayden on the Acquittal of Mario Batali

BOSTON, May 10, 2022— A Boston Municipal Court judge today acquitted MARIO BATALI of a charge of indecent assault and battery in connection with an assault on a woman he took a selfie with in 2017.

“While we’re disappointed in the judge’s verdict, my office will not waiver in our support for the victim in this case.  It can be incredibly difficult for a victim to disclose a sexual assault.  When the individual who committed such an abhorrent act is in a position of power or celebrity, the decision to report an assault can become all the more challenging and intimidating. I’m grateful that the victim in this case made the decision to come forward, and to every survivor of sexual assault who makes that difficult decision.  My office is available to anyone who has experienced sexual violence in Suffolk County to ensure that are met with the level of compassion and care they deserve and that they have access to the services and resources they may need,” District Attorney Kevin Hayden said.

Sexual assault can happen to anyone. While the victims of any crime are asked to call 911 in an emergency, survivors of sexual violence can also call their local rape crisis center for free and confidential services and to discuss their options. Support is available for all survivors of sexual violence, regardless of whether they wish to take part in a criminal prosecution. Services by city and town can be found at

In Suffolk County, the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center offers a free and confidential 24-hour hotline at 800-841-8371The Boston Area Rape Crisis Center provides medical accompaniment and many other free services to victims of rape and sexual assault. Suffolk victim-witness advocates can assist in referrals to BARCC and a wide array of non-profit service providers who can offer additional support and services.

ADA Nina Bonelli prosecuted the case at trial with the assistance of ADA Ian Polumbaum.  Anne Kelley-McCarthy is the assigned Victim Witness Advocate. 

James Borghesani, Chief of Communications