New Charges for Fields Corner “One-Man Crime Wave” Defendant

BOSTON, August 4, 2022—A man already charged with leading police on a pursuit in a stolen vehicle, and already convicted of an earlier string of crimes around Fields Corner, was arraigned today after DNA connected him to a February robbery, District Attorney Kevin Hayden said.

THANH LE, 50, who has no fixed address, was arraigned today in the Dorchester Division of Boston Municipal Court on a charge of unarmed robbery in connection with the February 15 offense.  Prosecutors requested bail of $10,000 and orders that Le stay away from and have no contact with the victim and stay away from the location of the offense in the event he is to be released on bail.  Judge Jonathan Tynes imposed $25 bail and imposed the requested conditions of release.

Tynes also found Le in violation of the sentence imposed last June when he pled guilty to charges in six criminal cases in the Dorchester Division of Boston Municipal Court.  Those charges included breaking and entering a motor vehicle with intent to commit a felony, receiving stolen property and other offenses committed during a November 2021--March 2022 crime spree.  Tynes on June 2 imposed, over prosecutor’s objections, a suspended two-year sentence and probation. 

Tynes today ordered Le to serve the two-year balance of that suspended sentence for leading Massachusetts State Police on a chase in a stolen motor vehicle shortly after being released on June 2.

The newly charged offenses occurred on the evening of February 15, 2022.  The victim parked in a Dorchester Avenue parking lot and stepped out of her vehicle to pick up food from a local business.  An unknown male tackled her to the ground and stole her purse, containing cash, an ID and bank card.  As he fled, the man dropped a glove that was recovered by Boston Police and sent to the Boston Police Crime Lab.  DNA was collected from the glove and entered in the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS).  On June 30, the system matched the DNA profile of the unknown attacker to Le’s DNA profile, entered into the database as a result of his prior offenses.

“Less than two months ago, this man pled guilty to offenses that amounted to a one-man crime wave.  Over our objections he was placed on probation.  He promptly re-offended with a dangerous car chase.  He is now charged with committing even more offenses during his original crime wave, beyond what we already knew, and we already knew a lot,” Hayden said.  “Mr. Le’s actions have wreaked havoc on the Fields Corner community.  The newest charge, though not a recent offense, represents part of an escalation in violence by attacking a woman he encountered alone after dark. We cannot ignore the seriousness and constant nature of his offenses or the harm and trauma his actions have inflicted.  Today’s probation revocation is, sadly, the only reasonable and appropriate option to ensure the community is safe.”

The Boston Public Health Commission’s Boston Neighborhood Trauma Team (NTT) provides access to support through its 24/7 hotline by calling 617-431-0125.  The NTT offers immediate support services to those impacted by community violence, referrals for behavioral health services, community outreach and healing groups and a variety of other services.


          James Borghesani, Chief of Communications

All charged individuals are presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

Suffolk County District Attorney Kevin Hayden’s office serves the communities of Boston, Chelsea, Revere, and Winthrop, Mass. The office handles over 20,000 cases a year. More than 160 attorneys in the office practice in nine district and municipal courts, Suffolk Superior Court, the Massachusetts Appeals Court, the Supreme Judicial Court, and the Boston Juvenile Courts. The office employs some 300 people and offers a wide range of services and programs to serve anyone who comes in contact with the criminal legal system. This office is committed to educating the public about the services we provide, our commitment to crime prevention, and our dedication to keeping the residents of Suffolk County safe.