Victim Assistance

Domestic Violence

Intimate partner and family violence occurs across all racial, gender, sexual orientation, religious, social, and economic demographics.  It’s important for victims to know that our office provides dedicated and compassionate professionals who will listen closely, help ensure their safety, and hold their abusers accountable.

In Suffolk County, prosecutors and victim witness advocates assigned to the Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Unit are experienced and specially-trained in meeting the needs of victims of domestic violence. Our advocates are available in each of the nine district and municipal courts across Suffolk County to help victims with crisis intervention, safety planning, restraining orders, and other services.

We understand that not every survivor is ready to report abuse to law enforcement or participate in a prosecution.  Even so, we have resources available for anyone who wants to leave an abusive relationship, as well as for friends and family who want to help a loved one.  Prosecutors, victim witness advocates, and other members of the Suffolk County District Attorney’s Office are available and ready to provide assistance to anyone in need.


Click here to find a domestic violence service provider near you.

SafeLink Hotline: 877-785-2020 / TTY: 877-521-2601

Jane Doe, Inc.: 617-248-0922

Casa Myrna Vazquez: 800-992-2600

Greater Boston Legal Services: 617-371-1234

The Network/La Red (LGBTQ service provider): 617-423-SAFE